Friday, January 15, 2016


by Chunlin designs

These packs are part of the WLS Lovely Colors
so they are ON SALE at $1 each pack
until January 20.

and here some inspiration

my sweet girl used to play harp

my girls just acting silly

My youngest trying something new

by Lynette

by Sharon

by Wendy

by Robyn

by Sylvia

by Tammy

Aren't these pages beautiful? 
Remember, each pack is ON SALE for only $1
until January 20

Oh, and don't forget to 
sign up for the newsletter
I always have a little sample to share
with you when I release a new collection.
Just click on the button to your right.

Have a great scrapping day,
Chunlin designs

The Great Digi Scrap Off 5.0 - March 1

  DON'T MISS IT! We are so excited about this! click on the ad to get more info!