Saturday, July 30, 2011

FREEBIE Blueberry Délice

Here's my last challenge for the Design Factor race over at DSC. Wow, what a ride... I sure learned a lot on the way! I'm so glad I participated.

sorry link expired

Monday, July 25, 2011

FREEBIE Naturally Zen

This is my entry for challenge 5 of the Design Factor race over at Digi Scrap Connect
You can download it for free for a limited time
sorry link expired
11 elements
1 alpha

Saturday, July 16, 2011

FREEBIE Strawberry Cupcake

Hi! Here's my entry for The Design Factor for this week.

sorry link expired
5 papers
5 elements
1 alpha

Sunday, July 10, 2011

FREEBIE Black Tea Fresh Mint

The Design Factor Challenge 3 - FREEBIE for a limited time

sorry link expired

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Poppy Love Freebie

This is my entry for The Design Factor challenge 2 over at DSC.
You can download it for FREE for a limited time.
link expired

The Great Digi Scrap Off 5.0 - March 1

  DON'T MISS IT! We are so excited about this! click on the ad to get more info!