Saturday, July 16, 2011

FREEBIE Strawberry Cupcake

Hi! Here's my entry for The Design Factor for this week.

sorry link expired
5 papers
5 elements
1 alpha


grammadiane said...

This is just adorable chantal....Thank You for Sharing it....

Anne said...

VERY pretty. Thanks much.

Stacey said...

I love this kit, cupcakes rock. You did a fabulous job! I went to open this file, and it says it's password protected . . .I've looked everywhere and couldn't find a password. Am I doing something wrong? Or did I miss the password boat? Thanks in advance for your help.

chantal said...

Stacey, I just saw your comment. Did you get the kit? There isn't a password so I don't know what the problem could be. I want to help you so please, could you send me a PM over at digiscrap connect. Thanks

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