Monday, September 21, 2015

Chunlin designs NEWSLETTER!!!

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Enjoy the freebies!
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Just click on the tag at your right
subscribe and you won't miss a freebie again :)

Next Friday will be my last matching freebie
to the With Love Studio Newsletter free kit
you can still subscribe to get the last part
by clicking on the preview

Chantal - Chunlin designs

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your email newsletter is a great way to not only promote your products and services but also to engage your readers and begin to form connections that lead to lasting business relationships. The key here is to publish an email newsletter that readers will actually look forward to receiving in their inbox week after week (or month after month), instead of being just one more intrusion that goes unread, gets deleted, or, worse, causes readers to unsubscribe.
newsletter examples

The Great Digi Scrap Off 5.0 - March 1

  DON'T MISS IT! We are so excited about this! click on the ad to get more info!