Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry days - freebie

From my family to yours... 
Have a cheerful, holly, jolly, and a very 
Merry Christmas.

With Love Studio (my digi home) is still trying very hard
to get back online.

In the meantime, and in the spirit of the season, 
I want you to have and enjoy this sweet little kit.
It's a freebie!
Click on the preview and it's all yours!

Best wishes


JeannieK said...

Thank you! Merry Christmas!!

sherry said...

Thank you so much.
Merry Christmas to you and yours as well:)
Looking forward to seeing you in the new year :)

Sue said...

Beautiful kit, thank you so much. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

chantal said...

Thank you ladies! Enjoy!!!

NEW : littleBIGstories "A BREW-TIFUL BREAK"

A brand-new littleBIGstories product is in my shop! Introducing  "A BREW-TIFUL BREAK" —available now at  20% off  through March 10...