Thursday, May 2, 2019

iNSD SALE and new 'Find your tribe' kit

Happy Thursday! and HAPPY iNSD!
I'm so excited about it all! Are you?
There are tons of new amazing digital goodies at Pickleberrypop.... and what about the sales, and the challenges... It's going to be amazing ...PURE FUN...
5 days long!

SALE 40% and more ...

Let's start with the sale! My entire shop is on sale 40% OFF except for my bundles... they are at half price: 50% OFF!!!! and because of a little glitch in my shop  some are even at 55% OFF.

Please, click on the ad if you want to check out my shop.

$2 SALE 

I'm particularly happy about my new little kit I created for the occasion. It's part of the $2 sale so go check it out right now! You will love what you get for $2. It's completely inspired by my oldest daughter, Anouk who is in college now and has made some amazing new friends. Actually let me present to you Julie(in red), Nancy(in yellow), Anouk(in blue) and Anna(in brown).
These young women are amazing and ... they love the way I portrayed them. I'm happy, LOL. Oh, and of course you will find them exclusively at Pickleberrypop!
Here's some more iNSD Pickleberrypop news:

Free with purchase

Shop, Share & Win event

and this is sooo cool! You can win a $20 gift certificate EACH DAY! Start sharing!!

May challenges

and of course our May Challenges... coming with a super cute reward kit. I really enjoyed creating the elements pack of this one and just love how the whole kit turned out! 
Well, I hope to see you in my shop, sharing on social media and in the forum for the challenges.
Have fun browsing, shopping and scrapping with all your new goodies. 

Wishing you a wonderful iNSD 5 days!

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The Great Digi Scrap Off 5.0 - March 1

  DON'T MISS IT! We are so excited about this! click on the ad to get more info!